Ash Playground and Skate Park

We love venturing to new playgrounds, today we went for a drive and came across this park in Ash. Based at the back of a large playing field it was an older type playground with traditional metal style equipment.

Noah straight away saw the Ash Express train inside the gates park and ran straight towards this, it was a great train which the children could pretend driving and on the back was a passenger train which Isabella enjoyed sitting in and giving her best directions to the train driver.

The facilities inside the park included a mouse sprinter, a huge rope climbing frame (Noah loved climbing to the top of this and pretending to be Spiderman) A roundabout, which does actually go at some speed once you get the momentum going on it.

We always have to make sure that the playgrounds we visit have swings (although we have one at home Noah and Isabella still love to go on these) Thankfully though they have both mastered the swinging technique, and I’m now redundant at pushing. Having benches around the park meant I could get a much needed rest break though.

A multiplay climbing structure with a slide, a ladder, monkey bars and a climbing wall. This was extremely popular and both children loved exploring this and showed their independence at conquering this without any help needed from me.

For the smaller children there was also a smaller multiplay with board games, easy to climb steps and a little slide. This was just the right size for toddlers who are t quite tall enough for the larger climbing wall.

Next to the play area (up the hill) is a playing field with a basketball net, a football goal and a wooded area. So remember to pack a ball if your children enjoy these sports too.

On the hill next to the play area is a skate park, tennis courts and a basketball net and a kick wall.

Ash Skate Park is made up of concrete ramps on a tarmac base. The skatepark features a back and forth run with a quarter pipe and flat bank either side of a funbox. Although I didn’t take bikes or scooters with me, this looked like lots of fun and was very popular with the older children.

Having said that Noah and Isabella still enjoyed running up and down the ramps, and even using it as a slide.

With free parking literally a stone throw away, this is ideal as you have the playground and skate park all within reach.


Business Name: Ash Playground

Address: Ash Hill Road, Ash, Surrey, GU12 5DN

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