Buggyfit, Oxford

Buggyfit is deemed to be ‘the ultimate class for new mums’! Come along to meet other new mums, have fun, get some exercise and most importantly, fresh air! Both you and your baby will benefit from being outdoors – it’s a great way to help manage anxiety or PND.

buggy fit class oxford

An hour-long class based on powerwalking and cardio games plus toning and strengthening segments – think step ups, press ups on park benches, walking lunges. Then we bring out the resistance bands, add in some toning work as well as a section for the core and pelvic floor. A real all-round feel-good session, whatever the weather!

There is no such thing as bad weather to be outside, just a bad judgement of clothing! We will be there without fail, whatever the forecast!

  • Monday – 10:00 Cuttleslowe Park, Oxford, OX2 7XD, £6 per session

  • Tuesday – 10:30 Albert Park, Abingdon, OX14 1DF, £6 per session

  • Wednesday – 10:30 Florence Park, Oxford, OX4 3JZ. £6 per session

Read more and book online: https://www.fitandhealthymumsuk.com/fitness/buggyfit/

Contact Keri Young for further information: 07870 833016 / keri@fitandhealthymumsuk.com

Find pregnancy and post natal classes for Mums on Red Kite Days.


Business Name: Fit & Healthy Mums

Opening Times:

Monday - 10:00 Cuttleslowe Park, Oxford, OX2 7XD
Tuesday - 10:30 Albert Park, Abingdon, OX14 1DF
Wednesday – 10:30 Florence Park, Oxford, OX4 3JZ

Website: https://www.fitandhealthymumsuk.com/fitness/buggyfit/

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