How to Manage Challenging Behaviour in Children

When children behave in a challenging way, it can feel like it is highly difficult to manage effectively. However, there is plenty that you can do to make this altogether easier. There are some tried and tested methods that you can fall back on. So, here are just a few of the basics that you can keep on following.

Establish Clear Rules and Boundaries

Kids often thrive when they have some clear rules and boundaries that they can keep on following. Otherwise, there is every chance that they will become confused and unsure of what is expected of them, if you are inconsistent and you don’t make it clear what you want from your child. When you set up these rules and boundaries, you then need to make sure that you keep reinforcing them. You need to maintain consistency in what you are saying and what you are directing. Of course, there may be times that you suspect something bigger is behind their behavior than just a phase, so it is worth looking at an autism assessment if you think that this is worthwhile.

Follow Up With Consequences

If there are any consequences that come from repeated poor behavior, it is important that they are followed up on. To begin with, you need to make clear what the bad behavior is that you do not appreciate and what the consequences will be if they keep on doing the same thing. When you have made clear what the consequences are, you need to follow up on them. If you do not, the child will think that they can keep on doing the same behavior and will learn that you do not follow through on what you say.

Offer Positive Praise When Rules are Followed

While it is a good idea to have consequences in place, you also need to have a system of positive praise as well. Telling your kids when they have done something well is important as it means that they are more likely to repeat this behavior. You also don’t want to keep being the bad guy. There is a balance to be struck between the two different states.

Help Your Child to Understand Their Feelings

When children show bad behavior, it is often down to them feeling a certain way about something. Therefore, if you only deal with the behaviour, you are not getting down to the root cause of what is going on. Ensure that you are communicating at a time when your child is feeling calm, and you can have a proper discussion about what exactly is going on.

Every child is different and all challenging behavior is as well. These are just a few of the steps to ensure that you are doing everything you can to keep on top of it. It is all about having a clear sense of consistency in establishing the rules and boundaries and sticking to any consequences. If you fail in these tasks, it is more likely that the bad behavior will keep on repeating, and it will be harder to do anything about it.

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