Need Extra Space? How to Add a Playroom to Your Home

For such small little humans, children take up an impressively large amount of space. From their clothes and accessories to their toys and games, you will likely find yourself with their items everywhere within your property. In an ideal world, you would be able to dedicate an entire floor of a sprawling property to keep everything.

However, unless you are fortunate enough to have a home that can accommodate them in this way, you need to get creative when adding much-needed space. It doesn’t need to be much; just an extra room would do. It makes sense to make this extra space a playroom, but the question is, how do you do this? With this in mind, here is how to add a playroom to your home.

1.    Find a Suitable Space

When it comes to the location of your new playroom, or to be more accurate, your children’s, instead of cornering off a section of your living room or sacrificing your spare bedroom, why not consider a summer house? Take a look at and discover how to create affordable and bespoke outbuildings to suit your purpose perfectly (and keep your children’s mess away from the inside of your home).

2.    Focus on Storage

Storage is an important consideration, and the best way to maintain at least a semblance of order is to invest in some large wicker baskets to keep along the walls of the playroom. This way, games and toys can easily be thrown back into the baskets, leaving the floor space free, and what is more, you avoid having to purchase numerous plastic boxes, making the playroom both more natural and altogether ‘greener’.

Furthermore, even though the new playroom is a place where your children can relax and, essentially, not be as tidy as they need to be in communal spaces like the living room, you still need to declutter the room at least twice a week to maintain the beautiful space you have created.

3.    Create a Fun & Stimulating Theme

As you will already have experienced, possibly numerous times, children seem to go through their obsessions faster than you can keep up with, and instead of committing to, for example, a Harry Potter themed playroom only for them to move onto Game of Thrones in a couple of months, you should stick to a more general theme. Look to create a colourful, vibrant, and eye-catching playroom design that appeals to children of any age, making it the perfect place for your child to play, learn and grow, both on their own and with you and their friends. Get playful bunting, artwork, and cosy rugs.

Top Tip: Stay away from darker colours, especially if the windows are smaller than average, and instead choose hues that feel and appear light and airy.

4.    Repurpose & Upcycle

There is no point in creating a new space for your children to play, learn, and chill out if there is no suitable furniture in there. Besides their belongings, you must kit the room out with tables and chairs for crafts, soft furnishings like bean bags, bookcases, easels, and more. However, rather than buying everything new, you should first look to upcycle. Chairs that have been relegated to additional outside seating and old coffee tables that are holding up tins of paints and other decorating materials in the garage, for example, can be easily and quickly sanded down, repainted, and moved into the new playroom.





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