Tag Archives: A Levels

where to retake a levels, a level intensive courses, sixth form college

GCSE, A-Level and Art & Design Foundation courses – Individual Consultations

Kings Oxford is a local, independent fifth and sixth form college, offering a wide range of GCSE, A-Level and Art & Design ...

A level retakes, GCSE exams

2020 GCSE and A Level Exams | FAQs

What’s happening with GCSE and A Level exams this year? With GCSE and A levels exams cancelled in 2020, many questions have been ...

A level results, A level results day 2019

7 Top Tips for Sailing Through A Level Results Day

A-Level results day in 2022 is on Thursday 18th August and it can be a nerve wracking wait for students. Here are some tips from Kings ...

A level results, A level results day 2019

A Level Results Day 2023 | All You Need to Know

With A-Level results day on Thursday 17th August 2023, students up and down the country are nervously anticipating their results.  It ...

success in exams, exam tips and tricks

10 Top Tips for Exam Success on the Day

With excellent academic results and thorough preparation for UK higher education, Kings Oxford students win places at the UK’s ...

boarding school London, kings London, independent school London, private school London, Beckenham private school

Choosing your A-Level Subjects

One of the most difficult decisions students have to make to achieve their place at a top university is which subjects they should ...

career for art student, jobs for art students, art careers in demand

What Careers can a Degree in Art and Design Lead to?

Kings Oxford are experts at helping students achieve their full potential.  The college has three campuses, with the specialist Kings ...